Best for: short- or medium-term rentals with guests that check out and in, homes that have on-site laundry capability.

  • Cabinet door exteriors wiped down
  • Appliance exteriors cleaned
  • Microwave exterior + interior cleaned
  • Fridge item disposal, interior wiped down

  • Walls, baseboards, doors spot checked

  • Countertops, tabletops cleaned
  • Sink, faucets cleaned
  • Floors swept, dusted, mopped
  • Shower, tub cleaned
  • Toilet cleaned
  • Towel racks, toilet paper holder, door knobs cleaned
  • Mirrors wiped
  • Countertops, shelving cleaned
  • Sink, faucets cleaned
  • Walls, baseboards, doors spot checked

  • Floors swept, dusted, mopped
Bedrooms, Offices, Lofts
  • Bed, dresser, side tables dusted
  • Bed tidied
  • Walls, baseboards, doors spot checked
  • Small trash items disposed

  • Floor swept, vacuumed
Living Room
  • Side tables, entertainment centers, furniture dusted

  • Couches, chairs tidied
  • Walls, baseboards, doors spot checked
  • Floors swept, dusted, mopped

Throughout Home

  • Light fixtures, light switches, outlets dusted
  • Ceiling fans, vents dusted
  • Items, knickknacks covering less than 50% of tabletop wiped down
  • Walls, baseboards, doors spot checked
  • Floors swept, dusted, mopped

  • Minor guest special requests (toiletries out, etc)

  • On-site laundry, drying

NOT Included
  • Outdoor patio, porch, or balcony

  • Garage

  • Human or animal waste of any kind

  • Carpet shampooing