If you enjoy regular maid visits from a dependable provider of Las Vegas house cleaning services, you know how fast and efficient professionals are at keeping your place neat and tidy. Specialists are trained, experienced, and have a few tricks up their sleeve. This enables them to save time and still do a thorough job that doesn’t cut corners or sacrifice on quality.

In today’s post, we’ll lean on their valuable experience and take a look at how we can spruce up our home with less time and effort spent. 

How can I improve my housekeeping performance?

While you don’t have to implement all of these tips, you should look to incorporate as many as you can. They will certainly help you get about your job in a faster and more efficient way. So let’s get started: 

1. Declutter first

Before you get down to business, you should declutter your space. This will mean fewer things to clean and will help you get a better view of what needs doing. All the stuff you don’t plan on using again, donate to those that need them more.

2. Cleaning kit essentials

Buy the necessary house cleaning supplies that you can reuse whenever you need to smarten up your place. Since some of these products can be pricey, don’t waste too much money and invest only in the supplies you really need. If it’s not an essential, look to skip it.

3. Schedule cleaning tasks

Assigning specific tasks for specific days is a great way to organize your routine without overwhelming yourself on any given day. For example, do your laundry on Mondays, vacuum the place on Tuesdays, clean your bathroom on Wednesdays, etc.

4. Invest in quality tools

Having high-quality tools and equipment can make your life easier. Not only will you work faster but also achieve better results. Don’t be fooled though because some simple tools will accomplish the job and do not have to be costly. 

5. Clean as you go

Not letting things accumulate is one of the best strategies to keep your to-do list slim and doable. For example, wash your dishes immediately after a meal or pick your stuff off the floor as soon as you come home to prevent bigger messes from developing.

7. Multitask wisely

Multitasking can save you a lot of time if done right. Start your laundry or dishes first so when it is in the washer, you can use the time to wipe your countertops or clean the kitchen. Just remember to manage your tasks efficiently to avoid getting overwhelmed.

8. Use technology to your advantage

There are a whole host of smart home gadgets that can save you considerable time and effort. For instance, you can invest in a robotic vacuum cleaner or a self-cleaning litter box and outsource the nasty chores to your electronic helpers.

9. Set timers

Sometimes we get so into our work that we forget ourselves and lose too much time. Setting a timer or an alarm is a good way to remain on our toes, stay focused, and keep track of how much time we’ve spent on a particular task. 

10. One-minute rule

If certain tasks can be done in a minute or so, don’t leave them for later, do them immediately. This simple rule can help you keep small jobs from turning into big ones that require a lot more time and effort.

11. Focus on high-traffic areas

Try to concentrate your daily efforts on areas that get the most use. Places such as the kitchen and living room are used daily and we spend most of our time there. Keeping them neat will go a long way in making our home clean most of the time.

Who should be my #1 choice of efficient Las Vegas house cleaning services near me

Who should be my #1 choice of efficient Las Vegas house cleaning services near me?

With a team of vetted, insured, and bonded technicians, Cobalt Clean knows all the secrets of sprucing up. If you want your house, apartment, store, or office kept in pristine condition throughout the year, we’re the team to call. 

Whether you need help picking a regular cleaning plan, some advice on what not to do when cleaning, or would like to inquire about cleaning products that are not worth the money, we have the prowess and a can-do attitude to provide the answers you’re looking for and so much more. 

If you’re an establishment situated on Fremont Street or a homeowner located on the far side of town, we’re ready to jump-start our operation and get down to business right away. Our satisfaction guarantee has your back in case you want something redone so don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!